1. ITE Program Links

  • Term 1 Schedule
    What’s happening in class?
    A summary of each class session in Term 1.
  • Hui Group Meetings and Locations – Visual View
    Where do I go for class? (visual)
    Visual representation of online and f2f locations and links where all hui group meetings types take place.
  • Hui Group Meetings and Locations – List View
    Where do I go for class? (list)
    List of online and f2f locations and links where all hui group meetings take place.
  • Cohort Roster
    Who are my classmates?
    List of the 2018 cohort with photos and contact info. This list is private to students and faculty, it is NOT public. You can replace your photo but please keep the sizing similar and make sure we can see your face. Please add relevant contact info and your town and island.
  • Term 1 Class Recordings
    How can I review class recordings?
    Links to recorded class sessions of all types.
  • Faculty/Staff Contacts
    Who are the program faculty and staff?
    Photos and contact information for secondary faculty and staff.

2. UH Student Technology Support

  • ITS Help Desk
    Who can help me with a technology issue?
    Technology help for UH students via phone, email, or in person.

3. Recorded Video Tutorials

How do I review using these Secondary tools and online spaces?

4. Tutorial Pages

Where can I find more details on using particular tools?

5. Google Folders

What are the folders that have been shared with me?

  • Class/Hui Resources
    The class/hui resources are located in your Google Drive. This is where instructors will share resources (readings, slides, etc.) with you. Each student will have an individual Google folder shared with them for each hui type: Kawaikini (Interdiscipnary), Kahuewai (Disciplinary), Field Meetings.
  • Your Individual Work
    Your individual work folder is located in your Google Drive and named “Your lastname, firstname”. This is where you will privately share your work and collaborate with your instructors. Note that you may be asked to submit final versions of work in Laulima for final grading. Within your work folder, use the subfolders to share work of each of the 3 hui types: Field Kahuewai (Disciplinary) Kawaikini (Interdisciplinary).