1. Plan of Assistance

Plans of Assistance are put into action to help teacher candidates address areas of concerns or areas with which, a candidate is struggling during any time of the program. This is not a form of punishment – it is the goal of the Secondary Program that all teacher candidates become the very best professional educators possible and the Plan of Assistance is used to help achieve that goal when needed.

2. Code of Ethics

Teacher candidates bear additional new responsibilities as educators including adhering to the National Education Association (NEA) Code of Ethics for the Education Profession, and the Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board Code of Ethics. Candidates not meeting these standards will be put on a plan of assistance and may be subject to dismissal from the program.

Details on NEA Code of Ethics.

Details on the Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board Code of Ethics.

3. C or Better

Candidates must earn at least a C in every course in the sequence. If you earn a C minus (C-) or lower in a course, you must repeat the class. Since future offerings of your required courses are not guaranteed, earning a C-minus or lower in a course drastically impedes your progress through the program. You would have to wait until the next year, when the course might be offered again. Keep in mind that future course offerings are not guaranteed.  Proactively keep yourself in a position to earn a C or better on all your signature assignments and in all of your coursework. In our program, a C-minus = 70-72%

4. Co-req Classes ITE 402 & 404

Candidates must take ITE 402 and ITE 404 concurrently in Term 2. This means, if you do not pass one of the two courses you will need to repeat both courses upon approval from the director of the Secondary Program. Candidates must concurrently take, and pass, ITE 402 and ITE 404 in order to proceed to ITE 405 and ITE 406 in Term 3.

5. Late Work

Each instructor in ITE Secondary requires that you inform the instructor when your work will be late, and a penalty will be applied. See individual course syllabi for the specific details.

6. UH Student Conduct Code:

Academic Integrity and Ethical Behavior

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities. Failure to meet this expectation will result in failure of the course and possible dismissal from the program. Plagiarism means using another’s words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another’s work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately. Although we encourage collaboration with peers, all work that candidates ultimately submit in this course must be their own in their own words. If you are in doubt about whether your work is paraphrased or plagiarized, see the UH Student Conduct Code.

7.  Social Networking Policy

Use professional and ethical judgment when posting messages on Facebook or other social networks. Posting inappropriate comments about any University of Hawaii or Partnership school students, faculty, or staff, community members, and protected classes (i.e., race, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc…) or persons associated with them, violates the expectations associated with the Secondary Education Professional Disposition assessment form. Any Secondary Education student involved in posting such messages will be subject to consequences appropriate to the situation, including possible dismissal from the program.