1. Ethical Behavior
Students are responsible for adhering to the University’s Student Conduct Code.
2. POA
Plans of Assistance (POA) are put into action to help teacher candidates address areas of weakness or areas of struggle during the Teaching Practicum (OP) and Teaching Residency (Student Teaching) field experiences in the ITE Secondary Program. More on Plans of Assistance for Improvement.
3. Seminar Expectations
- Intellectual Safety: Above all, we are going to work to create and maintain an intellectually safe learning environment in our Seminar. “In an intellectually safe place there are no put-downs and no comments intended to belittle, undermine, negate, devalue, or ridicule. Within this place, the group accepts virtually any question or comment, so long as it is respectful of the other members of the circle” (Jackson, 2001). It is of utmost importance that we work on being intellectually safe with one another in class, outside of class, and online.
- Time: For every hour that you spend in this course, you should expect to spend 2 hours outside of class (studying, preparing, and completing assignments). Thus, for Term 1 Seminar courses (ITE 401 & ITE 440), you can expect to spend 6 hours per week in class and 12 hours per week outside of class on course-work. As a teacher candidate, you are required to complete one field-based course per semester. For the Term 1 Field course (ITE 403) you can expect to spend 12.5 hours per week (200 hours total for the semester) in your field placement and 1 hour per week in a class meeting with your UC.
- Writing proficiency: All assignments must be turned in on time and all writing experiences during the semester should be scholarly in nature. They MUST be typed, carefully revised and edited before being submitted for a final grade = virtually free of grammatical, mechanical, and citation errors (keeping with APA guidelines). Use APA citation format for reference lists and internal citations. Purdue OWL is an excellent source for APA formatting information.
- Term 1 Schedule: Adjustments in our schedule may be made that could alter due dates, so you must be ready for that possibility. Refer to the online Google doc version of the schedule for the latest version.
- Cell phones: Turn off cell phone before the start of f2f or online class. No text messaging during class, please.
- Depth is favored over breadth: There is no way that we can cover everything having to do with teaching in only sixteen weeks over the course of one semester. Participants will benefit more from gaining a profound understanding of a few concepts and strategies than from trying to attain cursory knowledge of an inundation of topics and issues.
4. Technology Integration
You are expected to use technology for thinking, learning, collaborating and writing throughout the Secondary program.
- More on technology expectations
- See the Helpful Links document for links to tutorials on common tools.
5. Disabilities
Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability is invited to contact the instructor privately or the University’s KOKUA Program. More on KOKUA.
6. Religious Accommodations
Students who need to be absent from class due to the observance of a religious holiday or required religious functions must notify the faculty member in writing as far in advance of the holiday/obligation as possible. More on religious accommodations.
7. Military Accomodations
A student who is a member of the National Guard, Reserve, or other U.S. Armed Forces branch and is unable to complete classes because of military activation may request complete or partial administrative unrestricted withdrawals or incompletes depending on the timing of the activation.
8. Title IX
Title IX is a set of federal civil rights that prohibits sex discrimination in education. More about your rights under Title IX.